Feb 25 @ 8:30 am – Feb 26 @ 4:00 pm

A formal agenda/schedule will be posted on the Eventbrite page by the end of the week. Our amazing Keynote presentations will be from Matt Sinclair and Rhonda Konrad. We are looking forward to learning together with our workshop presenters: Amy Burrows, Kamille Schulman, Fatima (Natasha) Lawrence, Terrie Pitfield & Christine Mick, Angie Wiwczor, Celina Kerampran & Jasmine Morin, Dr. Shelly Watson with Dr. Kelly Harding & Dr. Celisse Bibr, Shannon Butt and the SKHC FASD Diagnostic Clinic staff. We will also have a panel session, a “Sharing our Successes” cafe and an evening event that you don’t want to miss.
There is a QU code on the poster to link to the registration page on Eventbrite or you can access it at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ 14th-annual-anishinabek-g7- fasd-conference-tickets- 1145568489189?utm-campaign= social&utm-content= attendeeshare&utm-medium= discovery&utm-term=listing& utm-source=cp&aff= ebdsshcopyurl
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. We hope to see you there!