www.FASDOntario.ca is developed by FASD ONE (Ontario Network of Expertise), people in Ontario work together to address FASD. This website reports on the activities of FASD ONE and shares news of relevance to individuals, caregivers and service providers who work in the area of FASD across Ontario. It is managed by volunteers with funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Submissions and content suggestions are welcome. Examples include information about:
- Ontario FASD workshops or conferences
- National or international FASD conferences
- New FASD resources
- New FASD services in Ontario
- Photos of recent FASD activities in Ontario
- Short articles about recent Ontario FASD initiatives, news or events
Submissions or inquiries can be sent to info@fasdontario.ca
Inclusion of submissions is at the discretion of the Communications Action Group and/or website task group. We reserve the right to edit submissions for length, grammar, consistency etc. The opinions and accuracy of the information in submissions to the website are the responsibility of the original author.
For those submitting photos or identifying individuals in an article or at event, please note that it is your responsibility to ensure you have the subject’s permission for the posting. Please be especially sensitive to the identification of children and other vulnerable individuals.
Let us know what you are planning for September 9th FASD awareness Day. For information about upcoming FASD awareness Day ideas