- “Picture” This: Life as a Parent of Children with FASD Oji Cree Translation
- New FASD caregiver curriculum launched
(http://fasdchildwelfare.ca/learning/caregivers) - A short video that describes that FASD is a physical disability, and NOT a behaviour issue. The brain has been damaged by alcohol prenatally (http://vimeo.com/71091322)
- https://fasdontario.ca/news/new-book-not-exactly-as-planned-by-linda-rosenbaum/
- A video that highlights two teenagers coming to terms with having FASD http://attitudelive.com/documentary/justice-fasd-0
- http://www.neurodevnet.ca/resources/fasd-resources#Web_Resources
- CanFASD Substance Use Treatment Guide https://canfasd.ca/topics/