- Good 2 Go Transition Program
The Good 2 Go Transition Program at The Hospital for Sick Children developed the MyHealth Passport website, where you can create a personalized health profile for your child with FASD, which includes your child’s diagnoses, medications, and behavioural/communication/sensory needs, along with other important health-related information. This profile can then be printed in the form of a wallet-sized card or saved electronically, and shared with other support providers. Click here to view a MyHealth Passport that was created for a fictional child with FASD. You and your child can create your own customized MyHealth Passport by visiting https://www.sickkids.ca/myhealthpassport/.
- Know FASD: a website designed to help caregivers understand the signs and symptoms of FASD at all ages. Information is sorted by gender and age group, and users can learn about interventions. https://knowfasd-webpro.ualberta.ca/
- Websites
Public Health Agency of Canada – FASD – Frequently asked Questions
https://canfasdblog.wordpress.com/CanFASD Canada FASD Research Network
http://www.knowfasd.ca/ alcohol in utero knowledge base .FASD across the lifespan and interventions.
https://www.fasdontario.ca/ FASD ONE Ontario Network of Expertise – Service areas – Intervention and support-Call to Action
https://fasdontario.ca/service-areas/intervention-and-support/support-resources/How can I support people with FASD better? Eight effective practices for successful supports
http://www.fasdwaterlooregion.ca/Lutherwood Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
http://come-over.to/FASCRC/FAS Community Resource Centre, Tuscon, Arizona Teresa Kellerman
www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2-KYlb6j-8 Teresa Kellerman FPSD is FASD Parent Stress Disorder
http://fasd.alberta.ca/index.aspx Alberta FASD Home.FASD learning series.webinars
http://www.fasdoutreach.ca/POPFASD Provincial Outreach Program for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder BC
http://fasdjustice.ca/ FASD and the Justice System
http://giveusmorespecialneeds.blogspot.ca/Strategies for ADHD and FASD based on 20 years of personal and teaching experience,by Rob More, Smith’s Falls, Ontario
https://oursacredbreath.com/Finding the calm in the chaos of FASD, from Ontario
https://fasdlearningwithhope.wordpress.com/ by adoptive parents in the U.K.
Facebook& Twitter
https://www.facebook.com/FARP09092015/ Fetal Alcohol Resource Program Ottawa
https://www.facebook.com/tooyoungtodrink/ International Campaign to Raise Awareness
https://twitter.com/fasdwr?lang=en FASD Waterloo Region
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23fasd #fasd
Information and Support by email
FASD-Canadian-news http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/FASD-Canadian-News/info
Current awareness on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and alcohol and pregnancy for Canada and the world.
Olderfashttps://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Olderfas/info discussion list for parents and mentors only
FASlinkdiscussion Forumhttp://www.faslink.org/faslink.htmfor families and professionals
Saskatchewan FASD Newtwork Network Resources Tools & Strategies www.skfasnetwork.ca
Lifeguard StrategiesFor Supporting Adolescents andAdults Affected by FASD
Lakeland Centre for FASD https://lcfasd.com
Let’s talk FASD: Parlons de l’ETCAFParent Driven Strategies in Caring for Children with FASD http://oldsite15.von.ca/fasd/online/default.aspx
FASD Strategies not Solutions. Edmonton: 2004. https://edmontonfetalalcoholnetwork.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/booklet_web.pdf
Buxton, Bonnie. Damaged Angels: a Mother Discovers the Terrible Cost of Alcohol in Pregnancy. Toronto: Knopf, Random House, 2004.
FASSY.Trying Differently: a Guide for Daily Living and Working with FASD.4th edition.Whitehorse, Yukon: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society Yukon, 2014.
Malbin, Diane. Trying Differently Rather than Trying Harder: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects. Portland, OR: FASCETS, Inc., 2002. 2nded.
NeuroDevNetFASD Video Resources
My Adult FASD Diagnosis: Clarity for a Man and his Mom
My Adult FASD Diagnosis: Nothing Changed. And Everything Changed.
FASD & Stigma: Damaged Angels Can Fly
FASD & Stigma: Why Do Pregnant Women Drink?
FASD in First Nations Communities
FASD is a Disability
FASD Awareness and Prevention
FASD Family Support
Morgan Fawcett on living with FASD – YouTube 7:04
In Our Own Words: Children and Adults Living with FASD 60:00
“If you’ve told a child 1,000 times and he still doesn’t understand, then it’s not the child who is the slow learner.”
“If the child does not have the capacity to adapt to the environment, then the onus is on the environment to adapt to the child.”