The Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) meets and decides if a student should be identified and, if so, the placement that will best meet the student’s needs. For students whose needs cannot be met entirely in the regular classroom, a range of placement options is available. These options include:
- A regular class with indirect support where the student is placed in a regular class for the entire day, and the teacher receives specialized consultative services.
- A regular class with resource assistance where the student is placed in a regular class for most or all of the day and receives specialized instruction, individually or in a small group, within the regular classroom from a qualified special education teacher.
- A regular class with withdrawal assistance where the student is placed in a regular class and receives instruction outside the classroom, for less than 50 per cent of the school day, from a qualified special education teacher.
- A special education class with partial integrationwhere the student is placed by the IPRC in a special education class in which the student-teacher ratio conforms to Regulation 298, section 31, for at least 50 per cent of the school day, but is integrated with a regular class for at least one instructional period daily.
- A full-time special education classwhere the student-teacher ratio conforms to Regulation 298, section 31, for the entire school day.
For more information, see
Note: Not all boards provide all of the above placements. Please refer to your board’s Special Education Plan for more information.