“The Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit is involved in a pilot project to diagnose any children in the municipality who may be suffering from Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)…”
Chatham Daily News
[Chatham, Ontario]
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Victims of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder have symptoms that ‘aren’t always physical’
Postmedia Network
Wednesday, May 20, 2015 4:16:34 EDT PM
Chatham-Kent Public Health
The Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit is involved in a pilot project to diagnose any children in the municipality who may be suffering from Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Marnie Van Vlymen, manager of the Infant and Child Health Team, said a pilot diagnostic clinic is ongoing and there is “a diagnostic team of community members.”
Van Vlymen briefly spoke about the project during a presentation of an overview of her department’s activities at a meeting of the health board Wednesday.
She said victims of FASD may have symptoms “that aren’t always physical.”
Even if no physical symptoms are present, victims can suffer from a variety of problems, including learning difficulties, problems with memory, and problems socializing and expressing emotions.
But having a diagnosis is key to providing treatment. Van Vlymen said, “Once they have a diagnosis, that child has more service options.”
She said: “There are very few diagnostic clinics in Ontario,” and she stressed the one in CK is a pilot project only.
Chatham-Kent Public Health
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Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit
435 Grand Avenue West
P.O. Box 1136
Chatham ON N7M 5L8
Tel: 519.352.7270
Fax: 519.352.2166