FREE webinar :August 7, 2020 – 1:00 pm EST
In order to implement best practices and improve outcomes for individuals with FASD who experience contact with the criminal justice system there is a need to characterize current experiences and needs, practices, and decision-making in these cases. Dr. McLachlan’s research team will present findings from several recent studies that aim to develop this growing evidence base. We first characterize criminal justice contact experiences among adolescents and adults with FASD using data from the Canadian FASD Database. Second, we review findings from a recently completed study evaluating FASD evidence in a review of published Canadian criminal cases. Third, we describe findings from our research characterizing the FASD knowledge, practice experiences, and training needs among forensic clinicians in Canada and internationally. Finally, we present findings from a systematic review of screening tools and approaches for identifying individuals with FASD, including specifically in justice contexts. This 90-minute presentation will be held on Friday, August 7th, 2020, at 1:00pm EST, and will include a discussion period following the presentation.