This social media ideas for FASD Awareness Day on September 9th is in collaboration with OPHA Alcohol and Reproductive Health Work Group Collaboration
Every year on September 9th, International FASD Awareness Day is observed. People all around the world gather for events to raise awareness about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy and issues related to individuals and their support networks affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
FASD is preventable! Prenatal exposure to alcohol is the leading known cause of developmental disability among Canadians that last for life. Approximately 1 in 100 Canadians are affected by FASD. We are encouraging all Health Departments and Organizations to highlight this important issue through their social media networks to help the public become more aware of alcohol related harms and the prevention of FASD.
Included are some ideas for Facebook and/or twitter posts and graphics along with key messages for various topics related to FASD. Please join us to encourage consistent messaging across Ontario. FASDay Social Media Messages Fnl