Health Nexus has received funding from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, (MCCSS) to distribute small subsidies. These subsidies are meant to help build and mobilize communities by bringing together families, caregivers and individuals experiencing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the form of a Support Group.
Applications for subsidies up to $4,500 were accepted in October for the first cycle of funding. These subsidies are used to create new, or build upon current FASD support group activities within communities. There will be two cycles of funding available through this project. The first cycle has begun in Fall 2018 and runs to March 2019, and information about the second cycle will be shared in early 2019.
If you are interested in information about the subsidy process and how to apply please click here. Please note that the application forms are subject to change slightly for round two, as we are hearing feedback and evaluation of application process from group leaders, advisory committee members and our project team.