We are very pleased to announce that Carizon and the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) will be providing the community with a FASD classroom for students grades 8-12 (13-17 years old) beginning in the 2015-16 school year.
The program name is Temenos.* Temenos will provide a specialized classroom environment designed to meet the needs of youth living with FASD. It will be uniquely equipped and structured to meet the social/emotional, sensory and learning needs of the youth in the program.
The classroom will be designed based on the successful FASD classroom (The Fort) which has been in operation for the past two years by the Waterloo Region District School Board and Carizon.
A multi-professional team will support the youth and their families through various aspects of the program; including a teacher, child and youth workers, and a child and family therapist and an occupational therapist.
We anticipate that the program will start in the fall with a group of pre-selected students from our local school boards. In the future, referrals for this program will be accepted through Front Door. We will keep you informed as these details emerge. However, if you are aware of a young person who you believe should be considered for the fall, we would appreciate hearing from you in the event that we have openings. Please contact Sharon Porty at sporty@carizon.ca if you wish to discuss a potential referral.
The referral criteria are as follows:
a) Live in Waterloo Region
b) Grade 8 to Grade 12 (13-17 years)
c) Has been formally diagnosed with an FASD (FAS, pFAS, ARND)
d) Would benefit from a specialized learning environment and supports for behavioural, emotional, and/or executive functioning challenges.
e) No diagnosis or evidence of a significant developmental delay. A person is eligible for developmental services if they have: 1) a diagnosis of mental retardation or 2) documentation that provides an IQ score of 70 or below or overall intellectual functioning at or below the second percentile, accompanied by significant impairments in at least two areas of adaptive functioning. If there is evidence of a significant developmental delay but no assessment has been completed, further information may need to be gathered in order to make a decision.
*Temenos – sacred enclosure or precinct
In addition, we are actively seeking new referrals for The Fort classroom for the fall.
The referral criteria are as follows:
f) Live in Waterloo Region
g) 8-12 years old
h) Has been formally diagnosed with an FASD (FAS, pFAS, ARND)
i) Would benefit from a specialized learning environment and supports for behavioural, emotional, and/or executive functioning challenges.
j) No diagnosis or evidence of a significant developmental delay. A person is eligible for developmental services if they have: 1) a diagnosis of mental retardation or 2) documentation that provides an IQ score of 70 or below or overall intellectual functioning at or below the second percentile, accompanied by significant impairments in at least two areas of adaptive functioning. If there is evidence of a significant developmental delay but no assessment has been completed, further information may need to be gathered in order to make a decision.
Please contact Front Door at www.frontdoormentalhealth.ca/ or by calling(519)749-2932 to speak to an Intake Clinician about the referral process or for more information.