On October 23, 2013, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (North Region) and the Evidence Exchange Network hosted a webinar event focused on FASD. The objective of the webinar was to outline the prevalence of FASD in North America and explore innovative and successful community-based responses from across Northern Ontario.
The panel of experts included Dr. Lana Popova, CAMH; Kathryn Reid, Catulpa Community Support Services; Patti Dryden-Holmstrom, Lake of the Woods District Hospital – Community Programs; Jack Martin, Creighten Community Support Team; Claudine Longboat-White, Bimose Tribal Council; and Ramona Fullmer, Independent Practitioner.
The webinar can be accessed here: http://camh.adobeconnect.com/p1db79v3t9c/