16th Annual Meeting – Fetal Alcohol Canadian Expertise (FACE) Research Network call for POSTER COMPETITION Abstracts – Due March 16, 2015
FACE 2015 will feature the annual FACE Poster Competition. They invite poster submissions on all topics of medical and social science research related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
Each poster presenter will get 5 to 10 minutes (depending on the number of participants) to speak before the entire delegation, to describe their research objective, methodology and findings.
DEADLINE for submitting poster abstracts: March 16, 2015. All applicants will be notified of acceptance within 2 weeks of receipt of abstract submission.
All accepted abstracts will be published in Canadian Journal of Clinical Pharmacology/Fetal Alcohol Research at http://cjcp.ca/hm/
Posters will be judged by an expert panel and a winner will be selected to receive a cash award of $200.00
For questions about abstract submission please contact: Susan.Santiago@