4th Annual London & Region Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Conference
Breaking Stigma: Supporting Success in a Complex World.
October 24 & 25, 2023
The abstract submission deadline is: Friday, August 18, 2023.
Submission Guidelines: Please organize your abstract using the following headings: Title, Background & Research Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Abstracts should be double-spaced and use an 11-point font minimum. The maximum word count is 250. Please also include your name, affiliation, and contributing authors. We will consider submissions for studies in progress, although preference will be given to completed projects.
Prizes: The best ePoster and the best oral presentation delivered by a trainee or junior faculty will each be awarded $250 and a certificate of recognition.
Questions regarding research abstract submissions can be directed to Palmer Taylor at palmer.taylor@ontario.ca
For further information about the conference, please contact either Dr. Clare Mitchell at clare.mitchell@ontario.ca or Palmer Taylor at palmer.taylor@ontario.ca