Neurodiversity Throughout Development: From Misperceptions to Understanding
October 22 & 23, 2024
The London & Region Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Conference (LFASDC) is a two-day virtual meeting that connects clinicians, researchers, and the community to share current research, clinical practice, and lived experience with FASD and other complex neurodevelopmental disorders.
This year’s conference theme is Neurodiversity Throughout Development: From Misperceptions to Understanding. We will highlight the role of interdisciplinary collaboration and research translation in achieving successful outcomes for children, youth, adults, and families with complex neurodevelopmental disorders. Speakers from diverse backgrounds, training, and experience will discuss innovative approaches to treatment and support for individuals and families living with FASD. Each year we have highlighted new research in our ePoster and oral presentations.
This conference is ideal for researchers, medical and allied health professionals, educators, students, families, and individuals living with FASD in Ontario and beyond.
For more information about LFASDC 2024, please visit: