Effective Communication Strategies related to the needs of children and adults living with FASD including sharing information with professionals
Brenda Knight, a counseling psychologist and FASD Mental Health Specialist in private practice in Vancouver, B.C., offers five decades of experience with families, children, youth and adults living with the diverse mental health challenges. Having learned about the psychological issues often experienced by persons diagnosed with FASD, she committed much of her practice to addressing their emotional well-being and mental health care throughout their lifespan.
Brenda is recognized nationally and internationally for her respectful, compassionate and realistic approach to helping those living with FASD and their families.
W E D N E S D A Y , M A R C H 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 F R O M 7 : 0 0 – 9 : 0 0 P . M .
To sign up visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/effective-approaches-to-sharing- information-with-fasd-service-providers-tickets-559158396817
Our 4th Annual FASD Conference is taking place on May 31st from 8AM-4pm in Guelph.
Our conferences highlight Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, a lifelong disability that affects 4% of Canadians. FASD is often overlooked, stigmatized and commonly misdiagnosed.
Each year, our conference provides a lineup of incredible speakers from not only a research and educational background, but also from a lived experience perspective.
By spreading awareness and education to other professionals, as well as to parents and caregivers, we can tighten the gap in understanding FASD and challenging misinformation about this highly prevalent disability.
ONLINE FASD Peer Support Final
Please find above flyer for parents/caregivers to join us in celebrating FASD Awareness Month virtually on September 20th at 6pm! Please share broadly in your networks as this is a peer support group that is open to any parent/caregiver throughout the province of ONTARIO seeking a positive, solution focused environment to support their children/youth impacted by suspected or diagnosed FASD.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to Vicki at support@pcmh.ca OR Darlene and Ginette at FASDpeersupport@pcmh.ca .
For Caregivers and Professionals supporting individuals with diagnosed or possible Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Presented by the Halton FASD Resource Team
How prenatal exposure to alcohol affects brain and body development
How FASD impacts behaviour and functioning
A framework for supporting individuals with FASD across the lifespan
In-Person Training
Four Module Training-Free for all!
If you have any questions, contact haltonfasdtraining@gmail.com
TWO-DAY IN-PERSON TRAINING- October 4 & 5; 9am-4pm
Lions Hall, Burlington. Maximum 50 Participants
FOUR MODULE VIRTUAL TRAINING- Wednesdays, November 4, 15, 22 & 29; 6:30-8:30pm
This is now SOLD OUT.Training Opportunity. People can register through the Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/advancing-the-agenda-fasd-training-with-donna-debolt-tickets-681003498797?aff=oddtdtcreator.
If they are unable to attend, a recording of the training will be sent out to all those who register.
Save the Date – FASD Conference 2023 (2)
Registration is now open. See flyer for more details
Please join the fourth annual London & Region FASD Conference 2023. This virtual educational conference connects clinicians, researchers, experts, social and support workers, and the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) community to share current research and resources, facilitate dialogue, and promote advocacy. This conference is ideal for researchers, medical and allied health professionals, educators, students, families, and adults and youth living with FASD in Southwestern Ontario and beyond.
This year’s conference title is: Breaking Stigma: Supporting Success in a Complex World. Our theme promotes inter/cross-disciplinary partnerships to translate academic theory into practice and allow personal and community experience to inform effective research and clinical strategies. The conference proudly offers:
• Current FASD research findings & implications
• Strategies for evidence-based treatment
• Interactive knowledge exchange during a
choice of educational workshops
• Regional resources, supports, & services for
families & individuals with FASD
• Personal accounts of lived experiences
Invited Plenary Lectures:
• Jeffrey Wozniak, PhD, LP
• Donna Debolt, BSW, RSW
• Éric Racine, PhD
• Claire Coles, PhD
• Jacqueline Pei, PhD, RPsych
We look forward to seeing you on October 24 & 25, 2023!
The Halton & Hamilton FASD Support Groups are collaborating again to provide a hybrid (live and virtual) FASD conference – Empowering Families to Grow Together!
The focus of the conference is to truly provide information that will be of real value to enhance understanding of FASD, and provide best practices and practical strategies to enhance FASD support.
The planned sessions and speakers will be amazing! (brief summary below)
· Living with FASD – Candid Table Talk (FASD Round Table)
· Ask the psychiatrist: FASD Best Practices in Mental Health
· Team LOVE – Building Bridges
· Understanding Experiences, Strengths, and Needs of Youth with FASD in the Criminal Legal System
· Microboards focus on self-determination, empowerment and supports
When – Saturday March 2, 2024
To obtain more info on the event or to obtain tickets, please refer to the Events tab on our website LINK https://www.
We encourage you to buy tickets quickly as we anticipate that they will sell out fast!!
Stigma, Addiction, Healing and Courageous Conversations Featuring:
KATHY MITCHELL, MHS, LCADC Senior VP of FASD Prevention & Recovery Services
Defining stigma and the way it is currently acted out by society or systems of care towards women and mothers living with AUD/SUD
Learning meaningful ways to reduce stigma by modifying public health language and narrative
Discuss resiliency traits in women and families living with addictions and or FASD
Teaching from Elder/Knowledge Keeper –Supporting our Mothers/Fathers
Hand Drumming/Songs
Health Nurses – Caring for Babies with Prenatal
Substance Exposure
London & Region FASD Conference 2024 Registration
Registration is now open for the 5th Annual London & Region FASD Virtual Conference!
- Dates & Time: October 22 & 23, 2024 from 8:30am – 4:30pm EST
- Location: Virtually on Zoom
- Conference Website: https://vocpri.ca/fasd/
- Cost: $35 (1 DAY PASS) or $60 (2 DAY PASS) – Caregivers, FASD Community Members, Students; $75 (1 DAY PASS) or $140 (2 DAY PASS) – Clinicians, Researchers, Professionals
The London & Region FASD Conference Committee is pleased to announce we will be virtually hosting our
5th Annual London & Region FASD Virtual Conference
on October 22 & 23, 2024
- Registration coming soon!
- Call for Abstracts coming soon!
- Our theme this year is: “Neurodiversity Throughout Development: From Misperceptions to Understanding”
- Join us in connecting clinicians, researchers, experts, social and support workers, and the FASD community to share current research and resources, facilitate dialogue, and promote advocacy!
- Participate in a virtual learning journey that includes:
- Plenary addresses from field leaders
- Current FASD research findings and implications
- Strategies for evidence-based treatment
- Interactive knowledge exchange during a choice of breakout educational workshops
- Resources, supports, and services for families and individuals living with FASD
- Personal accounts of lived experiences
London & Region FASD Conference 2024 – Call for Workshops
London & Region FASD Conference 2024 – Save the Date (1)