Health Nexus Sante [with UHN Toronto General, Toronto Western, Princess Margaret, Toronto Rehab] and CAMH]
Caring for the Caregiver
A research project evaluating Acceptance & Commitment Training (ACT) for female caregivers of individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
ACT seeks to help individuals to struggle less with difficult things in their lives and mindfully connect with things that are most important in a way that is loving and respectful. With an introduction to the concept of ‘mindfulness,’ ACT does not attempt to directly change or stop unwanted thoughts or feelings, but to develop a new mindful relationship with those experiences that can free a person up to being open, and to take action consistent with what they care about. This is a research project evaluating the benefits of ACT for caregivers.
About the Workshop
The ACT intervention is spread over 1 evening followed by a full day and a “refresher” evening session, held 4 weeks later. It is required that you attend all three dates.
About the Facilitators
One facilitator is a clinician and the other is a parent. Both facilitators are parents of an individual with a developmental disability.
Who Should Attend?
Female caregivers of individuals with FASD.
Dates & Times
May 24th: 5:30pm-9:00pm
May 25th: 9:00am-4:00pm
June 19th: 5:30pm-9:00pm
*You must attend all dates
Toronto Western Hospital, 9 East Wing, Group Room B (Room 9E436).
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