Register now for the July 20, 2016 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Webcast
Join us for this free, one-hour, thirty minute webcast titled Neurorelational Framework (NRF): An innovative approach to understanding FASD and guiding interventions.
This presentation will include an overview of NRF, touching on:
• NRF and toxic or adaptive stress
• The importance of high quality relationships: the dyadic approach
• Understanding the four brain systems or networks (macro and micro)
Presenters will discuss applying the NRF principles (assessment, intervention and prevention) in interdisciplinary practice.
Case examples of NRF in FASD will also be presented along with resources for training and learning more about NRF.
Speakers: Gail Andrew, MDCM, FRCPC & Carole Anne Hapchyn, MD, FRCPC
Register Here
Format: Live webcast presentation with Q & A
Cost: FREE! Please share with your networks
Q & A: You can pose questions to the speakers through the live chat functionality
Dr. Carole Anne Hapchyn is a practicing Infant and Preschool Psychiatrist. She is also the Medical Director at the Glenrose Autism Clinic.
Dr. Gail Andrew is Medical Director of Glenrose FASD Clinical Services. She is also a Pediatric Consultant for Glenrose Pediatric Programs and a Clinical Professor at the University of Alberta’s Department of Pediatrics, in the Developmental Pediatrics division.
You can watch the full videos of the previous webcasts on the FASD Website
Watch other Human Services webcasts
The FASD Learning Series helps individuals, caregivers, front-line workers and professionals learn more about FASD, and how to support persons with FASD. The webcast and videoconference educational sessions cover a broad range of topics and are accessible to all Albertans.
Alberta’s FASD 10-Year Strategic Plan outlines the government’s commitment to provide awareness and prevention of FASD, as well as assessment, diagnosis, and support for individuals with FASD and their caregivers. All services and activities are built on a foundation of stakeholder engagement.