100 Charlie Rogers Place
Workshop Description:There is always a reason for the behaviour! This one-day workshop will provide an understanding of the integrated neurobiology of sensory processing and emotional/relational problems that result in “challenging behaviour”.
Participants will be invited to forever more become behavioural detectives, using clinical reasoning, to look deeper than the surface. By seeking to understand why people do the things we do, from a myriad of perspectives, we allow compassion into the equation. This alone changes the brain – but the mindset of clinical curiosity supports treatment strategies at home, at school and in all levels of relationships.
Participants will learn:
• To identify and discern the neurobiology of challenging behaviour
• To differentiate between the sensory, emotional and cognitive components that drive behaviour
• To develop a repertoire of sensory strategies to support behavioural challenges in a variety of contexts
• To develop a toolbox of relational tools for co-regulation through attunement and compassion
Limited Caregivers Bursaries AvailableCall OCATT for details 613 435-2355
[See the poster on the website https://ottawacatt.
com/ ] Presenter’s Bio:
Kim Barthel is a bridge between the science of neurobiology, mental health, and everyday function. A proponent of “putting your mind in the mind of the other,” she teaches globally about understanding what is behind complex behaviour. Her specialties include attachment, trauma, addiction, sensory processing, movement and learning how we learn and how we can support others. Kim’s process of helping people to become behavioural detectives is based on 35+ years of actively integrating a wide range of trans-disciplinary perspectives, through both a scientific and a compassionate lens.