Connecting with MPPs and candidates is a critical advocacy activity, particularly during an election campaign or when a relevant legislative study is underway.
It is important for you to let your MPP know how you feel about FASD. It is an important part of their job to represent your views. As a representative of your riding, a MPP meets with constituents, deals with the provincial government to solve problems, helps constituents access services, and attends and supports community events.
Make sure you have a clear purpose for your meeting. At this time MPPs need to be made aware of FASD since Ontario’s Select Committee on Developmental Disabilities is preparing its interim report and it is important that it includes FASD.
1. Make an appointment
- Fridays are constituency days in Ontario, so your MPP should be working in your community on that day.
- An MPP has one or more locally staffed offices to help constituents.
- To locate your MPP’s address and contact information:, or Elections Ontario’s postal code search may help you find your MPP:
2. Choose your own issues to talk about and tell your own stories.
3. Give the following two documents to your MPP:
4. Send a thank you letter.
Send a follow up letter make this the link to reiterate what you shared
5. If you can’t get an appointment, write a letter.